In this article, I'll talk about weight/muscle gain. People usually think that losing weight is very difficult. I would argue that while it isn't easy, it isn't as difficult as putting on muscle. By following a proper diet and workout routine, shedding fat will occur. Building muscle or gaining weight isn't so straightforward. Progressive overload, sleep, volume, eating enough calories, stress and genetics affect the ability to put on muscle. Some people see faster progress as compared to others. This could be due to a better hormone profile, better eating habits, sleep and could just be plain old effort put in. The best person to compare yourself to is you. As long as you are progressing over time, you don't need to compare yourself to other people. Skinny people or ectomorphs or "hard-gainers" are usually so since they don't eat enough. They either think they eat a lot more than they do, or they just don't have the appetite to ...