this article, I'll talk about weight/muscle gain.
usually think that losing weight is very difficult. I would argue
that while it isn't easy, it isn't as difficult as putting on muscle.
By following a proper diet and workout routine, shedding fat will
occur. Building muscle or gaining weight isn't so straightforward.
Progressive overload, sleep, volume, eating enough calories, stress
and genetics affect the ability to put on muscle.
people see faster progress as compared to others. This could be due to a
better hormone profile, better eating habits, sleep and could just be
plain old effort put in. The best person to compare yourself to is
you. As long as you are progressing over time, you don't need to compare yourself to other people.
Skinny people or ectomorphs or "hard-gainers" are usually so since they don't eat enough. They either think they eat a lot more than they do, or they just don't have the appetite to eat a large amount of calories everyday.
are you know that one friend who eats enough for 3 people and yet
manages to stay very slim. The truth is, he might eat a lot in one
sitting, but throughout the day or an average over a week, his total caloric intake wouldn't be
too high. Several studies have shown that a “fast metabolism”
doesn't really exist. The difference in caloric needs is only about
150 for people of similar heights and weight. This can be compensated
by just a glass of milk. If you think you are one of such people, you
probably just aren't eating as much as you think you are.
of us find it very difficult to eat enough food to gain weight. Most
“healthy” foods tend to fill us up much faster. It is fairly
difficult to overeat vegetables as compared to chocolate. As a result
enough eating enough healthy calories day in and day out becomes
are two things you can do about this.
can whine and complain about being full and not wanting to eat and as
a result make very little progress. Or you could just suck it up, put
in some effort and think of creative ways to get those calories in.
usually find it difficult to eat a caloric surplus. So here are some
tweaks and tips I follow in order to get in the required calories every
- Healthy snacksNuts such as almonds, walnuts and peanuts are extremely calorie dense. 100g of each is about 500-600 calories. They taste great and are good sources of fat and protein. Sugary and starchy food such as sweet potatoes, fruits such as bananas have a good amount of calories, albeit mostly from carbs. Having these foods before or after your workout is a good idea.
- ShakesI've noticed that drinking your calories is much easier as compared to eating it. Blend a couple of bananas, 300ml of milk, oats, a few other fruits, nuts (or peanut butter) and protein powder(optional) to get a nice refreshing shake. The great thing is they are very easy and quick to make and can replace meals when busy or travelling. It acts as a great pre-workout drink and has a good amount of complex and simple carbs, fat and protein.
- Eat less food more frequentlyIt's a good idea to space out your meals throughout the day in order to avoid feeling full. Instead of having 3 full fledged meals a day, you could instead have 5-6 different meals/snacks every day. This also allows you to eat a greater variety of food.
- Junk food/SnacksYou could eat junk food to reach your required caloric intake. However, do not overeat it since they are generally high in sugar and salt and have little to no micronutrients. If you've reached your macro and micronutrients there's no harm in indulging in that ice cream or chocolate to get your remaining calories.
- Keep your goal in mindAn important part of staying healthy is eating well. You'll have to eat those veggies whether you like it or not. In order to achieve anything of significance, you will have to do certain things you don't like. That's where most people fail. Doing the things you have to, in order to be able to achieve the things you want to. As Muhammad Ali famously said “I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion”.
long as you are consistent with your workouts and diet, you will see
progress. Always remember, long term consistency trumps short term
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